Bruce Trail Hike
Hey everyone,
I'm not sure if anyone's actually reading this blog anymore, it's been a while since I last posted, but I figured I'd post something here. I'm planning on walking from Brock University, starting today, at the place I finished a section hike from Queenston back in 2001 with my friend Allister Neill Steward and my dad. I'm planning on just doing as much as I can. I've lightened my pack load to a base of 12 pounds, but I seem to have a lot of food. We'll see how that pans out. Anyway, I'm planning on doing about 40-50km a day. I figure I'll be able to manage something like that as I'll be hiking dawn to dusk with an hour or two of breaks for naps and cooking along the way. I've read Ray Jardine's Backpacking Light and I've decided to camp when it gets dark, just by hanging my hammock. I'll be eating in the midmorning and late afternoon in terms of cooking, so I won't have a "kitchen" at my sleep site. This way, I hope to avoid uninvited guests. There are no bears to worry about, but the rodents have always been my biggest problem. Somehow, if they're around in the area, they get into something or other. I don't know how they manage to navigate through my knots and into the bags, but they've had pretty good success with me so far. I can take solace in the fact that most of the critters who've stolen my food over the years are probably dead now. I know that's petty, but it makes me smile.
Anyway, I'll be up at dawn(ish), with the hammock back in the pack and me on the trail by 6ish. I figure, hiking at a conservative 3 km per hour, by the time I stop and hang the hammock in the evening, I'll have covered around 40 km. Depending on how much flat trail there is, that figure could grow. Anyway, I'll just poke along, take it easy and just keep moving.
I'll be journaling and takin' photos, so I'll... maybe post them. When I get back. Maybe. If I... well, yeah. Maybe.
It's supposed to be thunderstormin' Sunday night and Monday, but maybe not down in Niagara... Maybe.
Anyway, happy trails.